HVAC repair in Dallas

How To Get Your HVAC System Ready For Winter

Winter is approaching, and your commercial HVAC system must be prepared to handle the chilly weather. Luckily, with professionals offering services for HVAC repair in Dallas, you can enjoy a warm and comfortable place, avoid problems, and even save money on energy bills!

The Importance Of Preparing Your HVAC System For Winter

Not getting your HVAC system ready for winter can cause a lot of problems, including:

  • Low Efficiency:

If dust, filth, and debris build up in your home over time, your heating system may have to work harder and use more energy to heat it.

  • Increasing Energy Costs:

Powering an inefficient system will be more expensive as it will run longer and consume more energy.

  • Air Pollution Within Buildings: 

When dust and allergens become stuck in the system, they can spread throughout your home, threatening your health and comfort.

  • Breakdown Of The System: 

Winter is a bad time for undetected problems to worsen, leading to unanticipated breakdowns and an immediate need for HVAC repair services. 

Preparing Your HVAC System For The Winter

Here’s how to get your HVAC system ready for the season:

  1. Check Your Commercial HVAC System For Anything Unusual

The first step in preparing your system for winter is turning on and noticing anything unusual. Some of the things to keep an eye out for are: 

  • Improper or uneven heating or cooling.
  • The system making unusual sounds.
  • HVAC system not turning on. 
  • Frequent switching on and shutting off.
  • Unusual odors from the HVAC system.

Remember that when you first turn on your system in the winter, you may notice different smells and sounds. However, if something seems off, call a professional immediately. 

  1. Check And Change The Air Filters

Your system’s efficiency and the air’s purity within your facility depend on having clean air filters. Air filters aren’t usually a big deal when they’re brand new and clean, but they can create havoc on your company when they get dirty or clogged. When filters are dirty, they limit airflow, which lowers efficiency, increases energy costs and makes maintenance more expensive. 

You can easily avoid these problems—especially in the winter when your system is running more frequently—by inspecting and replacing your filters at least once a month.

  1. Inspect And Clean The Ducts

Over time, ductwork can become an ideal environment for growing allergies, dust, and grime. Debris like this can impact interior air quality, decrease airflow, and cause health problems. If you want a healthy environment and an efficient system, consider getting your ducts cleaned by a professional every few years.

  1. Have A Look At The Thermostat

Check your thermostat to ensure it accurately displays the home temperature. A smart or programmable thermostat can help save energy by automatically adjusting the temperature to your schedule and preferences.

  1. Prevent Air Leaks In Seals

Air leaks around doors, windows, and ducts can seriously impact a building’s energy efficiency. Inspect and plug any holes with weatherstripping, caulk, or insulation. This will ensure that your building remains warm and cozy throughout the winter.

  1. Test The Furnace

To guarantee the furnace works, test it before winter. Heat it and see if it makes strange sounds, smells, or acts oddly. If you see any of these issues, contact a professional HVAC repair service and have them fixed.

  1. Get Coils Cleaned

The commercial HVAC system’s durability will be reduced if dirt and debris build up on the coils, causing airflow concerns. Commercial heating and cooling systems designed for maximum efficiency benefit greatly from coil cleanings, which increase evaporation rates, distribute heat more uniformly, and guarantee that all components work at their best. 

  1. Clear The Outdoor Unit Area

Good airflow is essential for the outside HVAC unit to do its job. Clear the area around the unit of any snow, leaves, or other debris. For best performance, keep the space around the unit free all winter long.

  1. Professional HVAC Inspection

The best approach to getting your HVAC system ready for winter is to have a professional tune it up. During an inspection, a professional will inspect your system, clean it, look for problems, and fix them if needed.

Summing Up 

You must prepare your HVAC system for the season if you want it to work as efficiently as possible and keep you comfortable all winter. If you notice any of these problems, immediately seek professional HVAC repair in Dallas. By doing this, you can enjoy a warm and cozy winter.

Make sure your HVAC system is ready before the season with GreenTex Coolers. Our skilled specialists are committed to offering first-rate service and checking that your system is in good working order. Contact us to learn about our services. 


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